Flask-SimpleMDE - a Flask extension for SimpleMDE

Flask-SimpleMDE is an extension to Flask that helps integrate SimpleMDE Markdown Editor to your Flask application.

Quick Start

  1. Installation
pip install Flask-SimpleMDE
  1. Configuration
from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask.ext.simplemde import SimpleMDE

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SIMPLEMDE_JS_IIFE'] = True
app.config['SIMPLEMDE_USE_CDN'] = True

def hello():
    return render_template('hello.html')

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. In templates/hello.html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Flask-SimpleMDE example</title>
    {{ simplemde.css }}
    {{ simplemde.js }}
    Some Markdown Text Here
    {{ simplemde.load }}
  1. Profit!

How It Works

Once registered, this extension provides a template variable called simplemde, it has:

  • a property named css that will be rendered as HTML <link> tag to the SimpleMDE stylesheet either from free CDN or be served from a bundled blueprint, also called simplemde.

    {{ simplemde.css }}
  • a property named js that will be rendered as HTML <script> tag to the SimpleMDE javascript either from free CDN or be served from a bundled blueprint, also called simplemde.

    {{ simplemde.js }}
  • a property named load that will be rendered as HTML <script> tag with javascript code that loads the SimpleMDE Markdown Editor with the first <textarea> tag.

    {{ simplemde.load }}
  • a method named load_id that when called with a string, will be rendered as HTML <script> tag with javascript code that loads the SimpleMDE Markdown Editor with the <textarea> tag which has the specified id attribute

    <textarea id="editor"></textarea>
    {{ simplemde.load_id("editor") }}


BSD New, see LICENSE for details.


Option Description
SIMPLEMDE_JS_IIFE If True, the SimpleMDE loading javascript will be in IIFE style. If False, a simpler declaration will be used
SIMPLEMDE_USE_CDN If True, SimpleMDE’s css and javascript files will be served from CDN. If False, local copies of these files will be served. Default value is True

SimpleMDE Version

The bundled version of SimpleMDE is v1.10.0


Flask-SimpleMDE - a Flask extension for SimpleMDE Markdown Editor

class flask_simplemde.SimpleMDE(app=None)[source]

Flask-SimpleMDE extension

provides links to SimpleMDE’s static assets.


property that will be rendered as <link> tags for css


create and register a blueprint with the Flask application.

Parameters:app – Flask application instance

property that will be rendered as <style> tags for js


property that will be rendered as javascript loading code


method that renders javascript loading code for specific id


Version 0.2

  • SimpleMDE loading javascript is in IIFE style by default
  • Added option to turn off the IIFE style

Version 0.1

  • Initial public release